< Předchozí výpisek Zpět na výpis látekNásledující výpisek >The Czech RepublicThe United KingdomAngličtina

Czech history

  • Prince Wenceslaus lived in the 10th century. He was murdered by his brother in Stará Boleslav. He became the patron saint of his country.
  • Charles IV ruled the country in the 14th century. He founded the University in Prague. He had four wives.
  • Jan Hus was a popular preacher in the Betlehem Chapel in Prague. He was burned at the stake in 1415.
  • Jan Žižka won a lot of battles. He lost an eye in a battle and was famous a hussite commander.
  • Rudolph II loved art. He lived in the Prague Castle and a lot of alchemistic tried to make gold for him.
  • In 1620, the battle of White Mountain took place. 27 Czech noblemen were executed in front of the town Hall in Prague – on Staroměstské náměstí. It marked the end of World War I.
  • Jan Amos Komenský was called the ”Teacher of Nations“. He had to leave his country because he wasn´t a Catholic.
  • In 1918, the Czechoslovak Republic was founded. T. G. M. became the first president.
  • In 1989, on November 17th, the Velvet Revolution started.
  • Václav Havel is a well known writer and dramatist. He was our head of state.

Přidal: Annicka 10. 6. 2011
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< Předchozí výpisek Zpět na výpis látekNásledující výpisek >The Czech RepublicThe United KingdomAngličtina