Orkneje - video

  • Orkneje - 70 ostrovů pod správou Velké Británie
  • bohatá historie spojená s Vikingy, námořníky, poutníky a piráty
  • správní středisko - Kirkwall
  • 3 části - Mainland, Severní Ostrovy, Jižní Ostrovy
  • 4000-3000 př. n. l. - první přistěhovalci
  • neolitická památka Scara Brae - jedno z nejlépe zachovaných sídel v Evropě
  • klima - ovlivněno Golfským proudem
  • památky - veřejné památky spravované státem a soukromé neolitické hrobky a vykopávky (nespadají pod stát, pokud jsou na soukromém pozemku)
  • vliv skotské kultury, dnes ji obyvatelé přijímají za svou
  • „orknejština“ - orknejská angličtina - ovlivněna tvrdostí norštiny a skotské gaelštiny - vytrácí se díky migraci a studiu v anglických školách
  • katedrála svatého Magnuse - z 12. století - orknejský hrabě Magnus - spor se svým bratrem, který ho nechal zavraždit, Magnusova smrt - mučednická, k jeho hrobu přicházeli poutníci
  • orknejské židle - sláma a dřevo (vyplavené z moře) - přesně na míru zákazníka, praktické, pohodlné - vysoká cena
  • šperky - inspirované historií - vikingské runy, staré ornamenty
  • malá pojízdná knihovna Mobile Library - jezdí i do odlehlých končin
  • Churchillova bariéra - obranný systém z WW2 - protiponorková bariéra, pracovali na ni italští
  • váleční zajatci - italská kaple s nezvyklou výzdobou (použili všechny dostupné materiály)
  • záliv Scapa Flow - válečný přístav, dnes - potápěči
  • nejsevernější palírna whisky ve Velké Británii - specifická chuť
  • North Ronaldsay - zrádné vody průlivu
    • zhruba 60 obyvatel - hospodaří společně, starají se o 3000 ovcí, v 19. stol. - kolem celého ostrova kamená zeď - k udržení ovcí na ostrově
    • vlna - patří k nejkvalitnějším na světě
    • úbytek obyvatel - komunita se sem snaží přilákat nové rodiny
    • nejvyšší maják v Británii - vysoký přes 30 metrů
    • pozorování ptáků - ornitologové
    • letecká doprava, trajekty - méně často

The Orkney Islands are made up of 70 islands which are under the jurisdiction of Great Britain. These islands have a rich history connected with the Vikings, seamen, pilgrims, and pirates. The capital city, so to speak, is Kirkwall. The Orkneys are made up of 3 main regions: the Mainland, the Northern Islands, and the Southern Islands. The first people that came to these islands came at around 4000-3000 B.C. From these times, we can see a Neolithic heritage site called Scara Brae. It is one of the most well preserved communities in all of Europe. The climate of these islands is affected by the Gulf Stream. Heritage sites of these islands are either managed by the state or they are private Neolithic tombs and excavation sites (sites on private property do not fall under the jurisdiction of the state). Scottish culture, which local people have come to accept, also plays a role on the Orkney Islands. The original language is Orkney, or Orkney English, which is influenced by the hardness of Norse and Scottish Gaelic. However, it is being spoken less and less due to migration and studies in English schools. And important personality to these islands was the duke St. Magnus, after whom the Cathedral of St. Magnus from the 12th century is named. Magnus had an argument with his brother, who had him murdered. He died a martyr’s death and his grave was and is still visited by pilgrims. Something curious about the Orkney Islands are Orkney chairs made out of straw and driftwood. They are made precisely to the measurements of the customer, and they are practical and comfortable and thus very expensive. The Orkneys are also noted for their history inspired jewelry with small ornaments and Viking runes. A Mobile library exists on the Orkneys and it travels even to quite far away and remote places. Churchill’s Barrier is an anti-submarine defense system from WWII that was worked on by Italian war prisoners. Therefore there is also an Italian chapel with unordinary decorations because they used all of the materials that were available to them. The Harbor Scapa Flow used to serve as a war harbor and today it is a scuba diving location. The northernmost Whiskey brewery in Great Britain can be found on the Orkneys, and it produces a whiskey of a specific taste. North Ronaldsay is an island by which there is a very fickle strait. About 60 people live on the island and together they take care of about 3000 sheep. In the 19th century a wall was built around the island to keep the sheep in. Their wool belongs among the most quality wools in the world. A problem of the Orkneys is the decreasing amount in population. The Orkney community is trying to attract new families to live there. The highest lighthouse in Great Britain can also be found on the Orkneys. It measures over 30 meters and is also used for bird watching. In fact, the Orkneys are paradise for ornithologists. The best way to get to the Orkneys is by air because ferries are not that often.

Přidal: Aleinad 18. 1. 2009
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