How to make pumpkins

Tools: a knife, a spoon, a pen and a marker

The knife should be sharp. - nůž by měl být ostrý

We should be careful not to cut a finger. - měli bychom být opatrní, abychom si neuřízli prst.

  • 1. The first thing we must do is to cut off the top. Don't throw it away! We will need it to cover the lamp. We will use it as a lid.
  • 2. Take the spoon and scoop everything from inside out. We will scoop the pulp out. Don´t throw away the seeds! They are healthy.
  • 3. Make a scary face. The scarier the better.
  • 4. Cut a face out of the pumpkin. We will make holes for the eyes, a mouth with teeth, and a nose.
  • 5. Finally we take a tea candle and put it into the pumpkin and light it.

Top - víko,
Lid - poklička,
Scoop - dlabat,
Inside - uvnitř,
Seeds - semínka,
Scary - strašidelný,
The scarier the better - čím strašidelnější, tím lepší,
Cut out - vykrojit, vyříznout,
Finally - na konec,
Light it – zapálit,
Pulp – dužina

Přidal: Annicka 10. 6. 2011
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Počet slov: 183
Zhlédnuto: 1923 krát